
B787 Dreamliner @ Abu Dhabi Int'l Airport

Yesterday we had a special guest at Abu Dhabi International Airport (AUH)... Boeing's game-changer aircraft, B787 Dreamliner, was in AUH for a courtesy visit, as a part of the Dreamliner Promotion Tour. I was hoping to experience this aircraft as a passenger, but the opportunity to see it on the ground was also tempting enough. Aircraft was open to visit for two hours only. The first hour was reserved for Etihad staff and the second for ADAC staff, 50 people in each slot. ZA003 is the third B787 built by Boeing for test flights, and it is going to be retired after all these courtesy visits. In other words, it is not going to be in commercial service. Aircraft was still smelling 'new', which was familiar to me. In 2009, when we were doing a photo shooting for the re-branding of SunExpress , a brand new B737-800 was the venue chosen right after its arrival to Antalya from Seattle. I spent more than half an hour to check the Dreamliner's cockpit, crew rest areas, and e

A380 - DC10 of 2000s?

During the past 12mts, I saw and read more news about 'cracks' in the wings of A380s, and finally,  EASA has ordered all operators (airlines) to check their A380 s. Now all of these operators are conducting checks by grounding their A380 fleet for a while. This reminds me of the story of  DC10 ... DC10 has been produced by McDonald Douglas in the 70s and marketed as the game-changer aircraft. The company was in a race with Boeing to produce a high capacity long range aircraft. They have introduced DC10 to the market before the legendary Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. However, these two aircraft had different stories; after a couple of emergency landings and crashes, including one of the most fatal air disasters in aviation history ( TK891 Paris-London), DC10 disappeared from the market in the 80s while the 747 is still in use and its new generation 747-800 model had been introduced last year. Lufthansa had just received the very first passenger version of it last month. A very simil

Kopenhag - 17 Mayıs 2000 UEFA Kupası Finali

Bugün 17 Mayıs 2012. Galatasaray’ın Türk futbol tarihinde bir başka ilki gerçekleştirerek UEFA kupasını kaldırdığı günün 12nci yıldönümü. Şanslı bir Galatasaray taraftarı olarak pek çok şampiyonluk ve kupa gördüm... ama bu en anlamlısı ve önemlisiydi. Derwall yönetimindeki Galatasaray’ın, Viyana’da Rapid Wien’e gol atıp (B.Savaş) skoru 2-1’e getirdiğinde başlamıştı bu yürüyüş. Adım adım yürüdü Gaşlatasaray. Avrupa Fatihi ünvanıni aldığında daha kupası yoktu. Yıllar sonra, ilk defa bir Türk takımı ezberleri bozdu ve hayal denilen, olmaz denileni yaptı. İnsanlara gerçekten istendiğinde ve inanildığında her şeyin başarilabileceğini kanıtladı Kopenhag’daki o final maçı ve alınan kupa. O yıllarda, havayolu çalışanı olmanın getirdiği avantajla Galatasaray’ın pek çok Avrupa maçına gittim. Milano’dan Moskova’ya, Liverpool’dan Madrid’e kadar takımın peşinde değişik şehirlerde ve statlarda bulundum. Bu seyahatlerin de en anlamlısı ve önemlisi de Kopenhag ’a yapılan oldu. Leeds United’

United puts final touches on huge 737 order

This is a good sign for B737-MAX and proof that Boeing is slowly balancing the A320 NEO v.s. B737-MAX game... gulfnews: United puts final touches on huge 737 order

Virgin Atlantic staff trained to whisper to put fliers at ease

The UK airline is training its flight attendants in the art of speaking quietly in time for the launch of its Upper-Class Dream Suite, which is equivalent to a Premium Business Class. As far as I know, a quiet and announcement-free premium cabin is one of the criteria to get a 5-star rating in Skytrax. Well, if you pay that much amount of money, you expect more... However, this move of Virgin Atlantic is raising the bar, and I think all airlines should consider this. You may read the spotting at Springwise and discover Upper-Class Dream Suite here .

12 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2012

Here is the briefing of trendwatching.com about the 12 crucial consumer trends for 2012. I will share the list only, so the ones who like to read the briefing in full please click here... Red Carpet (... which I am also working on) DIY Health Dealer-Chic Eco-Cycology Cash-Less Bottom of the Urban Pyramid Idle Sourcing Flawsome Screen Culture Recommerce (...which I found very interesting) Emerging Maturialism Point & Know I know that some of those trend names are a bit weird but worth to read... enjoy!

Wearing a slogan on your t-shirt is so passé

We were thinking about this years ago for networking with barcodes but the production of X amount of t-shirts with different codes was too costly. Some Londoners tried and did there ;) Now it is the era of QR codes and this can work! Heineken opens your QR world

Abu Dhabi International Airport today marks its 30th anniversary

Abu Dhabi International Airport Celebrates 30 Years of Success