
Airbnb Flights

Before we get into details, please have a look at these two links; Skift - Airbnb Is Really Building A Flight Search Engine  Bloomberg - News about intentions of Airbnb Skift Take by Dennis Schaal; Turns out it is more than a trial balloon, after the announcement of possible flight search at Airbnb Open last month. The margins are tiny in flight search, not sure why it would be better than any other OTA, other than it has lots of traffic coming to Airbnb. How has Airbnb changed the way we travel? Simple. They offered a new, different, and genuine way to stay in the cities we visit. We loved this from host to guest concept. If you go for a room, it is far less expensive than a hotel room. This may not be suitable for all, but if you go for an entire apartment, it is a better option than any hotel, especially if you are traveling with more than two people. I traveled to Amsterdam this month with my friends, and we stayed in a nice, centrally located apartment. It cost €50pp/night, w

İtalya Gezi Notları - Floransa

Hayatımda ilk defa çok spontane bir seyahat gerçekleştirdim, bu da Floransa’ya oldu. Uzun zamandır planladığım o uzun Toskana gezisi değildi bu gidiş. Denk geldi. Zaten gidecek olan arkadaşlarıma uzun zamandır görmediğim iki dostumun daha eklendiğini öğrendiğimde “keşke ben de gitsem” fikri düştü aklıma. Ertesi gün sadece biletimi almıştım. Nerde kalacağım, nereleri gezeceğiz ya da gezmeyecek miyiz gibi planlamaya dair hiç bir şey yapmadan uçtum Bolonya’ya. Sadece kafayı değiştirmeye, dostlarla vakit geçirmeye. Pek rahat pek güzel oluyormuş! Nasıl gidilir? Floransa’da havalimanı var ama hem küçük bir havalimanı olması sebebiyle hem de Bolonya’dan hızlı trenle Floransa’ya ulaşmak mümkün olduğundan pek çok kişi gibi ben de Istanbul’dan direkt Bolonya’ya uçmayı tercih ettim. Uçuş 2 saat 45dk civarı.  THY ve Pegasus ’un günde birden fazla uçuşu var. İlla Floransa’ya ineceğim diyorsanız o zaman SWISS , Lufthansa veya İtalyan Havayolları Alitalia ile aktarmalı u

Brad is single by Norwegian

Such a good example for a low-cost airline ads... just on time, savvy and funny.

Return of supersonic flights

I remember the Concorde Era and the last campaign of British Airways to experience a supersonic flight with the legendary Concorde from London to New York. I worked for Swissair and was entitled to have a discounted ticket, but not enough budget as a young marketing executive. Since then, I have thought about the length of flight times and supersonic flights' reintroduction by using advanced technology. The introduction of new generation aircrafts such as B787 and A350 brought some improvements to the cabin and passenger comfort, significantly reducing fuel consumption and operational efficiency but time. My latest long-haul flights from Istanbul were to Sao Paolo and Johannesburg. Each of them was more than 10 hours. Personally, I can manage flights up to 6 hours, but longer flights are a waste of time, even if you fly in Business Class. New Era Finally, a company called Boom announced the return of supersonic flights. In an interview, Blake Scholl, the founder and chief executive

Digital in Turkey - 2016

It is better to compare it with the previous year's results, which I published in this blog; Digital in Turkey . From my point of view, the most important one is the 50% equal share of laptops/desktops and mobile devices/tablets. Social media usage and habits are also indicative both in Turkey and the rest of the world. In two years, the company I work for will inaugurate the world's biggest hub; Istanbul New Airport. The question is, are we going to have a traditional airport website for our further passengers or what? Anyway, here is the chart for the main indicators. The full report can be viewed through slideshows of @wearesocialsg on LinkedIn.

The people behind SWISS

I was one of them for almost 7 years... first 5 years with the legendary Swissair , which was a unique and priceless experience. The below video is such a nice one that brings you on a journey through the successor  SWISS .

Güney Afrika Gezi Notları - Cape Town / Durban

Havacılığa başladığım 90’lı yıllardan beri gitmek istediğim lakin hem zaman hem de bütçe kısıtları nedeniyle gidilmesi hep ertelenen bir ülke olan Güney Afrika’ya bir iş gezisi vesilesiyle nihayet gidebildim. Güney Afrika’ya gidenlerden genelde duyduğunuz Johannesburg, Cape Town, Sun City, Krugger Park gibi kulağınıza aşina olan yerler olduğunu biliyorum. Benim seyahatim ise THY’nin yeni uçmaya başladığı Durban’da gerçekleşen bir konferans nedeniyle bu şehirden başladı. 4 günlük iş seyahatinin sonuna ekleyerek sadece Cape Town şehrini görebildim. Güney Afrika hakkında Afrika Kıtasının en ucundaki bu topraklara ilk gelenler 1652 yılında Hollandalılar. Bu nedenle pek çok şehir, bölge ve sokak ismi, buna ek olarak ülke genelinde konuşulan Afrikaans dilinin de özü Felemenkçe. Daha sonra Hollanda’nın gücünün azalması ve İngiltere’nin yükselişi ile 1700lü yılların sonundan itibaren İngiliz hakimiyeti söz konusu. Şans mı yoksa tesadüf mü bilinmez ülkenin bugün bile en önemli gelir kay

Why Boeing airplane models start with number 7?

I was wondering about the real reason for a long time. Why they name them as 7X7? Forget all stories and conspiracy theories you heard about the model numbering of Boeing airplanes. There is a logical reason which makes sense, at least at the organizational level... After World War II, Boeing President William Allen set about an ambitious restructuring of the company, dividing each new department by three-digit numbers. The 300 and 400 departments continued to focus on the company’s propeller aircraft offerings, while 500 came to denote the company's part focused on turbine engine development. The 600s were reserved for rocket and missile products. And finally, the burgeoning jet aircraft division of the company was assigned the number 700. As the company prepared its Model 700 jet for commercial sales, Boeing’s marketing department swept in and rightfully suggested that the name didn’t exactly roll of f the tongue. Instead, the 700 was renamed as the alliterative 707. The 717 fol