
Miles To Go - An interview with Miles Young, new CEO of Ogilvy

I flew from New Delhi back to Goa last week on  Kingfisher Airlines , which has free newspaper service even in domestic economy service. I picked The Times of India, which is the Indian equivalent of FT . In their supplement named "Brand Equity" there was an interview with Miles Young , who is the new and the first non-American CEO of Ogilvy . The headline was; "On his first day as global CEO of Ogilvy, he chose to be in Mumbai (Bombay) - a clear indicator of where he sees the future" Well, it may be correct because how many of you know that Global Hub for Digital Production of Ogilvy is in Bangladesh? ;) Anyway... let's have a look at some highlights from the interview; His immediate priority is Ogilvy's clients instead of financial issues during the global meltdown. His second priority is to set a longer-term business plan for Ogilvy. He believes in 5-year plans. He states that; " We have had some success in countries like India with five-year plans

Kingfisher & Vijay Mallya

Vijay Mallya , from my point of view, is  Richard Branson of India, yet he is not holding sir title. He has an airline, Kingfisher Airlines which is ranked as 5 star by Skytrax (like Virgin Atlantic ), he has Kingfisher Beer (no website as ad of alcholic beverages are not allowed in India) which is the market leader in India, some pharma companies and he also has a F1 team ( Force India ) and so on so on... I like his way of promoting his products. His brand use almost every medium (check picture) including online medium. Their online marketing tools are various. Just for this, Kingfisher has a website named Kingfisher World . However, it is a shame for me but recently I have discovered another online marketing tool of Kingfisher! It has also a calendar, like the famous Pirelli one in Europe ;) For the ones who is interested; http://www.kingfishercalendar.com/2009/ Or get your own Swimsuit Special widget here . As they say; Share the Good Times...

Springwise Top 10 Marketing & Advertising Ideas- 2008

Top 10 Marketing & Advertising ideas of 2008 by Springwise are below. Some of them are really interesting. / Spirnwise'dan 2008'in en iyi 10 Pazarlama ve Reklam fikri.  Bazıları gerçekten ilginç. - Tennent's Mutual — Prefunded, crowdmanaged music festival (I liked it... design your own music festival :) sounds good!)  - Matter — New spin on direct mail: a box of matter - SOOPZ — Food blogger turned intermediary & purveyor (I liked it... it is also a nice example of blogging for marketing)   - Mindstorm's iBar — Interactive touch bar combines drinks, ads & games (Techy!)  - IKEA — A nap hotel in a Stockholm mall (I liked it... It is a nice way to practice tryvertising ) - Steelcase's Workspring — Meeting space doubles as product testing ground - Northland Professional — Billboards give away free love (I liked it... very much)  - Pomme Bébé — Tasting bar for babies serves up tryvertising for tykes - PlaceVine — Site connects advertisers with con

Nil following Nil inside Nil's mind...

Nil Karaibrahimgil's official website is live... She is following her life in her mind. She is the stalker of herself ;) Visit http://www.niltakipte.com/ for Nil's real world... She also wrote about her website in her last article at Hürriyet :) Unfortunately it is in Turkish but for the ones who is interested click here ! iGOA - Let's GOA!

50 Ways Marketers Can use Social Media to Improve Their Marketing

Add social bookmark links to your most important web pages and/or blog posts to improve sharing. Build blogs and teach conversational marketing and business relationship building techniques. For every video project purchased, ensure there’s an embeddable web version for improved sharing. Learn how tagging and other metadata improve your ability to search and measure the spread of information. Create informational podcasts about a product’s overall space, not just the product. Build community platforms around real communities of shared interest. Help companies participate in existing social networks, and build relationships on their turf. Check out Twitter as a way to show a company’s personality. (Don’t fabricate this). Couple your email newsletter content with additional website content on a blog for improved commenting. Build sentiment measurements, and listen to the larger web for how people are talking about your customer. Learn which bloggers might care about your customer. Learn

Dijital Pazarlama - Digital Marketing

Bundan yaklaşık 1,5 yıl önce yine Blogger'da Dijital Pazarlama adı ile bir blog açtım ve Türkiye'de bu konu yeni yeni kendine yol bulmaya çalışırken, Dijital Pazarlama ya da Online Pazarlama kavramları daha yeni yeni hayatımıza girerken ne olacağını görmek istedim. Tabi ki bir blog mümkün olduğu kadar güncellenmeli, ziyaretçilerine her seferinde farklı içerikler, bilgiler sunmalı. Açıkçası aynı dönemde, vaktimin çoğunu yeni nesil interaktif ajanslar arasında yer alan şirketimiz iGOA için harcamak durumundaydım. Buna ek olarak o günlerde Dijital Pazarlama ile ilgili konu da bir blogu besleyecek kadar çeşitli değildi. Bugün site istatistiklerden takip ettiğim kadarıyla her geçen gün bu bloga gelen kişi sayısı artmakta ve Google'da "Dijital Pazarlama" diye arama yapıldığında ilk sırada gelmekte. Buradan çok basit iki sonuç çıkartabiliriz; 1- Dijital Pazarlama ya da Online Marketing konusuna ilgi artmış ve her geçen gün artmakta 2- Halen bu konuda yeterli içerik ol

Krizde Reklam - Çözüm Internet !

ABD'de başlayan ve dünyayı etkileyen global krizin etkilerini tüm şirketler hissediyor. Kimileri üretimini kısıyor, kimileri personel sayısını azaltıyor, kimileri harcamalarını kısıyor... 2001 yılında Türkiye'de yaşanan krizde bir çok firma ilk olarak reklam giderlerinde kısıntıya gitmişti. Ancak bunun yapılacak en doğru hareket olmadığı, krizi reklamla aşan firmaların kendini göstermesi ile kanıtlanmıştı. Elbette her şeyin normale dönmesi biraz vakit alacaktır. Eminim şu anda firmalar hem reklam yapmak hem de çok para harcamamak için ne yapabiliriz diye düşünmekte.     Çözüm mü? Tabi ki Internet :)   Halen bir interaktif ajansı olmayanlara hemen bir tane edinmelerini (buyrun iGOA 'ya), olanların da kısıtlı bütçelerle de olsa ne yapılabileceğini görüşmeleri pek faydalı olacaktır. Unutulmamalıdır ki ulusal gazetelere çıkılacak bir veya iki yarım sayfa ilan bütçesine internette harikalar yaratılabilir, online kampanya yürütülebilir hatta advergame bile mümkün olabilir. Böy

Work @ iGOA ? in GOA?

The FWA - Jobs and Careers for the Creative Industry: Company: iGOA Location: Goa, India Position: Interactive Designer Information: http://www.thefwa.com/fwa_jobs/igoa_job1008.html To Apply: If you are up for a challenge, send your resume together with your portfolio to iGOA For more about us: http://www.igoa.in/ iGOA – Let's GOA