
The Art of the Airport Tower & Istanbul New Airport

Carolyn Russo, a photographer at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum (Washington, DC), spent the last decade training her lens on 100 towers in 23 countries. "Airport towers are symbolic," she says. "They are cultural greeters... they are choreographers." You may watch the video about her exhibition filmed by Allen McGreevy, edited by Bill McKenna at bbc.com When I was working for Abu Dhabi Airports Company, we were using the Arabian Dhow inspired ATC Tower of AUH , as a symbol of the airport. So I agree that the ATC Tower of an airport is more than a control tower. Meanwhile, results announced for Istanbul New Airport’s “Air Traffic Control Tower Design Competition”  Tower inspired by tulips  World-renowned figures competed to design Istanbul New Airport’s “Air Traffic Control Unit”. AECOM and Pininfarina won the competition with a design inspired by tulips, one of Turkey and Istanbul's symbols. Results are announced for Istanbul New Airport’s Air Traf

Qatar Airways vs Turkish Airlines - Safety Videos

Well... I believe that Turkish Airlines would never let Barcelona sign with Qatar Airways. Along with that, what Qatar Airways did is far much better than the Turkish Airlines to utilize their sponsorship for a major European team. Qatar Airways + Barcelona Turkish Airlines + Manchester United (2011) Your vote? QR or TK?

10 Trends That Will Make Flying Better in 2016

Skift.com has found ten innovative trends that reveal a better future for the industry and are set to make air travel more pleasant for passengers in 2016 and beyond. Here is the list with my comments on each trend; 1. Launch of A350 Aircraft and 787-9 Dreamliners – I definitely agree on this. I had a chance to experience 787 of Qatar Airways back in 2013 and looking forward to flying with the A350. 2. Rise of Biometric Kiosks and Passport Apps at Airports – E-Gates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi were my favorite time savers while I was living in the UAE. This trend has to be supported by all parties. There is one issue to tackle; visas. 3. Improved Onboard Wi-Fi and Streaming Entertainment – As a sit back-relax-enjoy type of pax, I rarely watch a movie. I like the time spent on board, which gives you a break to think about anything. Therefore, I don’t care an improved Wi-Fi. 4. Apple Watch and Apps – Again, as someone who doesn’t wear a watch, I am not fond of Apple Watch. Apps are a di

ACI Airport Exchange 2015 - Istanbul

Next week IGA, the company behind the Istanbul New Airport Project, is going to host the Airport Council International - ACI Airport Exchange event in Istanbul. In addition to the 6 regular specialist ACI Airport Exchange conferences, this year there is a special dedicated 'Istanbul New Airport Development Conference' which is entirely dedicated to the €10.2 billion Istanbul New Airport project , featuring key figures from the leadership, design, and procurement teams delivering this game-changing mega-hub. Have a look at the official event website and join us if you're interested.

Istanbul Flow Motion by Turkish Airlines

Well done, Turkish Airlines... and thank you. By the way, the flight of Hezarfen from the Galata Tower to Üsküdar was the first intercontinental flight ever ;)

Emirates - Benfica Sponsorship

Being a sponsor of an event, team, organization, or NGO doesn't mean paying a certain amount of money and placing your logo either on a backdrop, brochure, or jersey. You have to leverage your brand by utilizing this sponsorship wisely and create a buzz among your target audience. Here is an excellent and cheerful example by Emirates. They are one of the sponsors of the Portuguese team Benfica, and look at what they have done in Lisbon before a game. Well done!

Havada internet - Wi-Fi onboard

Uçak ile seyahat ederken internete bağlı olabilmek, istediğin filmi izleyebilmek ya da müziği dinleyebilmek, sosyal medya hesaplarına bakınmak vs artık mümkün. Aslında uzun bir zamandır mümkündü ama yavaş bağlantılar ve yüksek maliyet yolcuların heyecanını alıp götürüyordu. Havada değişim var ! THY'nin de içinde bulunduğu pek çok havayolu gelişen teknolojiyi filolarında bulunan uçaklara entegre etmye başladıkça -ki öncelik uzun uçuşların yapıldığı geniş gövdeli uçaklara veriliyor, yolcuların hızlı, stabil ve güvenli Wi-Fi bağlantı hizmetini kullanma oranları artıyor. Ücretlendirme Farklı havayollarının farklı ücretlendirme politikaları mevcut. Örneğin THY uçaklarındaki internet hizmeti TTNET tarafından sağlanmakta. Detaylı bilgi   TTNET WiFİ Fly sitesinden alınabilir. Bir saatlik bağlantı US$9.99, uzun uçuşlara uygun olan 24 saatlik bağlantı ise US$14.99. Bir başka Star Allience üyesi Lufthansa'nın FlyNet ® hizmeti biraz daha pahalı. Bir saati €9.00, dört saati € 14.00 ve 

Gürcistan Gezi Notları - Tiflis / Kazbegi

Uzun zamandır gitmek görmek istediğim komşu ülke Gürcistan’ı nihayet geçtiğimiz 19 Mayıs tatilinin verdiği uzun hafta sonu fırsatına denk getirip ziyaret ettim. Tek bir cümle ile özetlemek gerekirse ‘hafta sonu gezisi’ için ideal seçim. Gayet keyifli, hesaplı, ilginç bir ülke… Gürcistan hakkında Yüzyıllar boyunca bölge ülkeleri olan İran, Rusya ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin çekişmesine sahne olan Gürcistan, 1801’den itibaren Rusya tarafından ilhak edilmiş. 1921’de ülkeye Kızıl Ordu girip S.S.C.B’nin bir parçası yapıyor. 20nci yüzyıl başındaki denemeyi saymazsak 1991 yılında bağımsızlığını kazanan Gürcistan hala kendini batıya entegre etmeye çalışan, geçiş sürecinde olan bir mütevazı bir ülke. AB ve NATO ile olan ilişkilerini her fırsatta öne çıkarıyorlar. Bu arada pek çok yabancı için Türkiye'den daha fazla Avrupalı kabul edilen bir ülke Gürcistan. Nasıl gidilir ? Türkiye’den iki şekilde gidilebiliyor; Trabzon, Ardahan ve Hopa’dan kalkan otobüslerle Batum’a geçebileceği gibi I